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Conditions we manage

Back pain

Back pain

Back pain is a common condition that affects many people. It can be short-term and resolve on its own or last for a long time and require further evaluation and support. At Resolve Pain, we specialize in assessing pain patterns and using clinical assessment and imaging to make a more accurate diagnosis. We provide holistic care for back pain, including explanation of the condition, imaging, physical and psychological rehabilitation, medication management, and procedural therapies (learn more about what we do here).

We help people return to their daily activities and work.

If you have pain shooting down your leg, click on our sciatica link below. If you have aching in your lower back that just won't go away read more about lumbar facet joint pain. If you have pain in your lower back that radiates out to your hips, groin or even the outside of you thigh, you may want to read more about sacroiliac joint pain. We manage all of these conditions and many more.

If our specialist care is something you think you may benefit from, get in touch with us or ask your GP whether a referral to see one of our specialists may help you.

Patient information:



Headaches are a type of pain that can be very disruptive to daily life. They can affect concentration, social interactions, and work. There are many different types of headaches with different labels and diagnoses.

At Resolve Pain, we specialize in headache pain and work closely with other experts such as neurologists, psychologists, and head and neck physiotherapists. We work with our patients to teach them about their headaches and help them choose the best treatment options for them.

We offer a comprehensive approach to care, including physical, psychological, medicinal, procedural, and alternative therapies, to help people with chronic and severe headaches regain control of their pain and return to their daily activities and work.

You may want to read more below about occipital neuralgia, a common contribution to headaches which we can help alleviate. Also, it is very common for neck trouble and headaches to occur at the same time. Read below about cervical facet pain and how that can be managed.

If our specialist care is something you think you may benefit from, get in touch with us or ask your GP whether a referral to see one of our specialists may help you.

Patient information:

Neck pain

Neck pain

Neck pain can range from mild discomfort to severe, continuous pain that affects daily activities. Simple tasks such as picking up children, driving, or even lying on a pillow can cause discomfort for people with neck pain.

At Resolve Pain, we work with our patients to educate them about the anatomy and function of the neck, and how it can cause pain in the shoulders or arms. We use the latest scientific understandings and investigations such as imaging to evaluate neck pain. We can spend time explaining the research as to why neck pain at times links to headaches, and facial pain. We work with our patients to create a specialised recovery plan that includes strengthening, positioning, rehabilitation, minimally invasive procedures, and newer research therapies to improve the quality of life of our patients.

If our specialist care is something you think you may benefit from, get in touch with us or ask your GP whether a referral to see one of our specialists may help you.

Patient information:

Joint pain – knee, hip, shoulders, wrists, ankles

Joint pain – knee, hip, shoulders, wrists, ankles

Joint pain is a common cause of chronic pain in Australia. It may be caused by arthritis such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, cartilage or meniscus damage in areas like the knee, or by tendon or bursal pain in the shoulder. At Resolve Pain, we work with people to help diagnose and treat their joint pains and we work with a wider team, such as rheumatologists, sports physicians or surgeons, to help you get the best outcome you can.

We will often work with patients around the time of surgery to prepare with appropriate exercises to make you strong before your operation, or afterwards if ongoing pain is preventing you from making a full recovery.

If surgery is not an option for you for other medical reasons, we can help reduce your pain with minimally invasive procedures. For example, if you don’t want to consider knee, hip or back surgery, we may be able to offer procedures to dampen your pain and allow you to get back to your daily activities.

At Resolve Pain we are also strong advocates of doing everything possible to improve function and prevent further deterioration of joints. This can include treatments that can optimise rehabilitation, as well as utilising regenerative medicine therapies to help improve and heal the joint and surrounding tissues.

Sometimes treatments to the surrounding nerves can also help the pain as well as providing a window of opportunity to improve strengthening and structural optimisation to limit future deterioration. Your doctor will be happy to discuss which options they feel might help you the most.

Sometimes treatments to the surrounding nerves can to not only help the pain but then provide a window of opportunity to improve strengthening and structural optimisation to limit future deterioration.

We explain this in more detail with our free patient information sheet available below.

If our specialist care is something you think you may benefit from, get in touch with us or ask your GP whether a referral to see one of our specialists may help you.

Patient information:

Nerve pain (neuropathic pain)

Nerve pain (neuropathic pain)

Neuropathic pain is a burning, stinging, aching, electric-shock type pain. It can be all of these and more. It is often due to damage to the nerve rather than the muscles or skin it attaches. Examples include diabetic neuropathy, after-surgery nerve pain, sciatica, or even after-shingles pain.

A specialist level of care is often required to help treat neuropathic pain to get the balance of procedures, rehabilitation exercises, and medications correct. Many medications, such as opioids/morphine, often do not work well for neuropathic pain - confusing health providers and patients.

At Resolve Pain, we are experts in the care of neuropathic pain and can work with you to reduce your pain and get you back to the life you want to lead. We can work with you to generate a recovery plan and follow along with you as we help you recover.

Patient information:

Widespread pain and fibromyalgia

Widespread pain and fibromyalgia

At Resolve Pain, we take a multidisciplinary approach to treating chronic widespread pain, recognizing that it is a complex condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. We work closely with patients to understand their pain experience and create individualized treatment plans that may include physical therapy, psychological support, and medication management. We also collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as rheumatologists, neurologists, and psychologists, to provide comprehensive care. Our goal is to help patients reduce their pain and improve their quality of life through evidence-based therapies and the latest research in the field.

While not every therapy works for everyone (probably because everyone is different!) we will work with you to trial therapies which have worked for our other patients with similar symptoms and use our experience and training to guide you towards which therapies and health professionals who we believe may be most beneficial for you.

If our specialist care is something you think you may benefit from, get in touch with us with the link below or ask your GP whether a referral to see one of our specialists may help you.

Patient information:

Abdominal and Pelvic pain

Abdominal and Pelvic pain

Abdominal and Pelvic pain for both men and women, particularly after surgery such as hernia operations, bowel operations, prostate surgery, hysterectomies etc., can negatively affect our lives and ability to do the things we want to do.

Medical conditions such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease and inflammatory bowel diseases can cause flares of pain that can be unpredictable. And irritable bowel syndrome and related gut difficulties can stop us from being able to enjoy time with friends or concentrating on our work and study.

At Resolve Pain, we will assess you holistically - looking at all aspects of your pain, from diagnosis to treatment. Many small changes and suggestions can add up to significant improvements in people's lives. We have many treatment suggestions we can discuss to reduce your discomfort and get back to enjoying your life.

We will fully educate you about the current scientific understanding of your condition/s, complete a full assessment, and generate a plan which is individual to you. The plan may include physical and psychological therapies, medications, dietitian support, pelvic physiotherapists, and working with other medical specialists such as expert gynaecologists or gastroenterologists.

If our specialist care is something you think you may benefit from, get in touch with us with the link below or ask your GP whether a referral to see one of our specialists may help you.

Patient information:

Hip and pelvis pain

Hip and pelvis pain

Hip and Pelvis pain are commonly confusing conditions to treat. Patients often come to us having multiple previous diagnoses or sometimes simply having been told that their imaging looks normal, so it is unclear what the cause of the pain is. At Resolve Pain, we are specialists in helping to discern possible causes of pain. We can work with you to explore whether we can determine a likely cause – or whether the pain system is not functioning correctly.

We will review all available imaging and reports and spend time examining you to help you understand more about your pain. We may discuss with you less common diagnoses to consider, a concept of ‘referred pain’ meaning that you feel the pain in the hip. Still, the problem may be coming from your back, pelvis, sacroiliac joints etc., and we can discuss the possible diagnostic process of nerve blocks to help try and determine if these may be the source of your pain.

We explain some of the theory and our goals in more detail with our free patient information sheet available below about nerve blocks and some locations of possible pain causing hip or pelvis pain.

If our specialist care is something you think you may benefit from, get in touch with us with the link below or ask your GP whether a referral to see one of our specialists may help you.

Patient information:

After surgery or trauma pain

After surgery or trauma pain

At Resolve Pain, we understand that post-surgical and post-traumatic pain can be a frustrating and debilitating condition. We work with patients to create individualised pain management plans that may include physical therapies, exercises, medications and/or procedures to help reduce pain and improve function.

We understand the science behind why the pain system does not always turn off properly, even when there is no clear tissue damage ongoing and we specialise in working with patients to find the best treatment options for them. Our goal is to help patients return to their daily activities and improve their quality of life.

If our specialist care is something you think you may benefit from, get in touch with us with the link below or ask your GP whether a referral to see one of our specialists may help you.

Patient information:

Painful hands and feet

Painful hands and feet

There are many possible causes for burning, tingling, and aching feet and hands. Everyone experiences these symptoms differently, such as the feet feeling wet, like they want to move, itchy constantly, or they can feel like something is moving on/in the skin.

One cause for these symptoms is a condition called Peripheral (at the peripheries) neuropathy (nerve injury). It can be caused by diabetes, viruses, nutrient deficiencies, alcohol or chemical exposures, blood vessel problems, or even just a person's genetics.

Further conditions that cause hand and foot pain includes pain in the joints (arthritis, gout), ligaments and tendons (for example plantar fasciitis, achilles tendinopathy, trigger finger, de quervains tenosynovitis, tennis and golfers elbow) or nerves (peripheral neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome).

At Resolve Pain, we will work with your team, such as your GP or neurologists, to help manage the pain and symptoms of your condition. We have several therapies which we can discuss with you to try and reduce your discomfort and improve your ability to live your life.

We explain some of the theory and our goals in more detail with our free patient information sheet available below.

If our specialist care is something you think you may benefit from, get in touch with us with the link below or ask your GP whether a referral to see one of our specialists may help you.

Patient information:

Cancer and palliative care pain

Cancer and palliative care pain

Cancer and end-of-life care are challenging times for us and our families. Unfortunately, pain at this time of life can be challenging to control and require specialised input to help give you the best quality of life in these crucial times of our lives. At Resolve Pain, we work with oncologists, palliative care specialists, and other care providers to help reduce your pain, ideally by reducing the burden of heavy medications, which may make us sleepy or tired.

We are specialist experts in this delicate balance between allied health therapies, medications, infusions and procedural options. Our goal is to give you the best pain control we can and keep you as active as possible while you either fight cancer or value these important days with family and friends.

If our specialist care is something you want to benefit from, then please get in touch with us with the link below or ask your GP whether a referral to see one of our specialists may help you.

Patient information:

Musculoskeletal pain, ligaments, tendons

Musculoskeletal pain, ligaments, tendons

There are many possible injuries to ligaments, tendons, bursa, and other structures within the body, which can cause persistent pain. These may be caused by workplace injuries, sports injuries, overuse, or sometimes no apparent cause.

Injuries to these structures can cause pains in many places such as low back, neck, head (including headaches), shoulders knees and hips as well as hand and foot pains.

At Resolve Pain, we have specialists with particular interests and training in musculoskeletal pain who can assess and offer treatments for your condition. These treatments, in conjunction with assistance from our allied health colleagues, can help reduce the pain, discomfort and disability from these injuries. Our treatments will hopefully provide a window of improvement to allow recovery from these conditions once and for all.

Treatments that help strengthen these damaged tissues include platelet-rich plasma and prolotherapy injections. They work by inducing the body to heal the damaged tissues.

There is also now increasing evidence that increased tension and swelling in the muscles, tendons and ligaments can cause irritation to nerves as they pass through these tissues. This nerve irritation not only causes more pain and limitation but can also impair healing of the damaged tissues. This effect can then impede your recovery as exercises that should be helping your condition start making things worse.

We specialise in treatments to help this phenomenon, including perineural injection therapy, hydrodissection and radiofrequency ablation of the involved nerves.

If our specialist care is something you want to benefit from, then please get in touch with us with the link below as our specialised musculoskeletal GP may be able to see you directly.

Otherwise, consider discussing with your GP whether a referral to see one of our specialists may help you.

Patient information:

Talk to us today about how we can help you
on your journey to Resolve Pain.